Dreams… Everybody dreams. Some dreams fall to the wayside, some dreams come true but manifest not as you dreamed it would but with a spin or maybe in a different direction, while other dreams like your childhood dreams come true when the stars align because you followed your passion and talent.
I’m a natural dreamer and could dream up just about anything. The older and wiser I’m becoming, the far less I see obstacles and challenges as threats. Every dream starts with an idea, sometimes you an another person can share the same dream, but, unfortunately your dream and that of another person can not be the same – different realities and different needs will makeup different dreams. This is why It is important to ensure when living your dream you live your dream for yourself and nobody else – It has to be about you and you only.
My dreams take me down a path of entrepreneurship, among others paths that crisscross and join later, somewhere along my journey. All paths do connect at some point along my life journey. What I envision for one of my dreams is a company of companies. It’s not a secret but I love starting new companies because I have so many ideas. But, once the company is up and running or just about to launch, my job is done and I want to move onto the next idea, while someone else manages and takes the company to the next level. Dreaming and starting companies is a strength, and strengths should be fostered.
Follow your passion and natural talent, when you do the stars will align and life as you know will change and you too will live your dream.
Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend.
Bruno LoGreco Master Life Coach & Mentor
The post Dreams appeared first on Bruno LoGreco Master Life Coach Toronto.